Life Coaching
Are you committed to change and seriously asking . . .
How can I get unstuck and move forward?
What will make it possible for me to have a different life a year from now?
Now that I know what I want, how can I possibly accomplish this big goal?
How can I successfully navigate this change, this transition?
Seeing, sensing, or knowing the change you want to make, the places you want to go, the life you want to live is just the beginning. You can get to your new space - whether it’s vocational, relational, self-improvement, or a personal goal - by pushing through fear and uncertainty and taking appropriate next steps. Holistic life coaching can help you get there!
Let's Get Started!
You will make progress on the journey toward breakthrough and desired change as you commit to the necessary time and energy to do it, and as you learn to love and celebrate your authentic self, your whole self - spirit, soul, and body.
Lila, as your Coach, is committed to providing the support, encouragement, resources, and accountability you need to navigate this important chapter in your life.
Sessions can be scheduled weekly, twice monthly, or monthly.
Minimum 12 sessions.
Contact Lila at 717-919-5038 or lila@whitestonecoaching.com
"What do you want? The majority of us go through life . . . without ever asking, much less answering, this most basic question. The most basic answer, of course, is that you want to express yourself fully, for that is the most basic human drive. . . . How can you best express you?
~ Warren Bennis, On Becoming A Leader
"If we're tired of life, what we're really tired of is the story we are living inside of. And the great thing about being tired of our story is that stories can be edited. Stories can be fixed. Stories can go from dull to exciting, from rambling to focused, and from drudgery to read to exhilarating to live."
~ Donald Miller, Hero on a Mission
"People cannot find their missions until they know themselves."
~ Laurie Beth Jones, The Path
"The thief's purpose is to steal and kill and destroy. My purpose is to give them a rich and satisfying life."
~ John 10:10 NLT