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To schedule Coaching or Spiritual Direction Sessions or an Exploratory Call
Contact Lila
717-919-5038 (text or call)
Sessions are 60 minutes and can be in-person, by phone, or by zoom.
Session fee is $98.00, pre-payment is requested.
Between Sessions, brief email or text exchanges are encouraged as needed. One 15-minute phone call is included
(must be scheduled in advance).
"Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex! Your workmanship is marvelous - how well I know it."
Psalms 139: 14
" Ultimately, God invites us to an increasing sense of freedom to be who we are. If we are being fully ourselves, using our gifts and enjoying God, we are expressing God's image in as much as we can . . . moving closer towards fulfilling Jesus' seemingly unattainable command 'Be perfect [complete] therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect.' (Matthew 5:48)"
~ Sue Pickering, Spiritual Direction
"God's acceptance of us as we are is not in any way in conflict with Divine longing for our wholeness. Nor is our acceptance of our self. But until we are prepared to accept the self we actually are, we block God's transforming work of making us into our true self that is hidden in God. We must befriend the self we seek to know. We must receive it with hospitality, not hostility. No one - not even your own self - can be known apart from such a welcome."
~ David G. Benner, The Gift of Being Yourself
"The good news is we have a God who would know our scrawny butt anywhere."
~ Ian Morgan Cron & Suzanne Stabile, The Road Back to You

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