Core Identity Affirmation
Are you wondering about the most important questions . . .
What is my purpose?
Will I ever be free to be myself? And what does that even mean?
Am I normal?
Am I special?
How can I make the most of my life?
What is worth my precious time and energy?
Is it possible to be content with who I am?
How can I continue to develop my character and become my most mature, best self?
How can I love others well?
These questions are much easier to answer when you have a clear picture, a well-worded description, a definite sense of your true self. Understanding and accepting your core identity can settle your body and soul, stir your mind, and open your spirit to joy and authentic living!
You can find freedom to be yourself and live life fully in your own skin, with celebration, no apology or shame. Your true image will be revealed, along with the wisdom it brings for a well-lived life. Lila, as your Identity Coach, will help you discover and interpret the unique facets that celebrate the complexities, joys, and challenges of the real you.
A Sneak Peak at what your True Image consists of . . .
How you prefer to live your life when left to your own devices, i.e. a day to yourself with no one but you in charge.
How you function in a group setting, what role(s) you thrive in at work and in community.
How you bless the world with your special gift of love and light in maturity, and how you have chosen to manage the pain of this fallen world and sometimes fall into dysfunction.
Available weekly or every other week. Includes 14 sessions, using a selection of assessment tools - Myers-Briggs, DISC, and Enneagram. Additional assessments (i.e. Strengths Finder, Working Genius, others) can be used.
Note: Many adequate free online assessments are available; for more in-depth assessments, client is asked to cover the additional cost.
Contact Lila at 717-919-5038 or